Underwater adventure

June 03, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

There's something about gently moving water and watery colors that I find peaceful. I hope you do too.

IMG_3412UnderwaterIMG_3412Underwater IMG_3551Underwater12x9IMG_3551Underwater12x9 IMG_3549Underwater_12x9IMG_3549Underwater_12x9

Ripples and Reflections 58

Italy 2017

May 08, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Our travels in Italy took us to the heel of the boot, the sunny province of Puglia. Such lush green, fields of poppies, artichokes, grapes, cherry trees and olives.  Of course, the trulli dwellings that are found throughout the Itria Valley  were one of the highlights. We even stayed in a recently restored trullo called B&B Annalocos in Locorotondo.  No trip to Italy is complete without a visit with my wonderful family in Cautano, the region of Campania. We explored Benevento, the provincial capital.  Below are a few images. Click HERE for the entire trip.

LocorotondoLocorotondo Amphitheater, LecceAmphitheater, Lecce OstuniOstuni Valle Vitulano, from Piazza San Rocco, CautanoValle Vitulano, from Piazza San Rocco, Cautano

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

March 07, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Thank you to everyone who attended the opening reception of my "Natural Impressions" photography exhibit at the Little Theatre Cafe last Sunday. Words do not express how truly honored I am that you came.  I only wish I could have spent more time visiting with each one of you. 

A big thank you to Zanne Brunner, Cafe Curator for her assistance, advice, support and friendship. It was invaluable! A very special thanks to Brian Burley, Bob DeRosa and Harvey Possemato, the phenomenal "Big Blue House" Band for providing their musical talent to make the afternoon extra fun.  

If you could not attend on Sunday my photographs will be on exhibit through March 31st and Big Blue House is playing there every Thursday night from 7-9pm...so it's not too late.

You are invited to an exhibit of my photographs

February 14, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I would like to invite you to visit "Natural Impressions", an exhibit of my creative nature images, some literal, some interpretive, that attempt to convey my experiences of being in nature, of the places and things that I find beautiful or interesting, be it an entire scene or a very small detail of it. 

Where: The Little Theatre Cafe, 240 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14604.  

When: March 4-31, 2017 during regular cafe hours.

Reception will be held on Sunday, March 5 from 2-4pm.

Refreshments will be served and the Little Cafe has a cash bar for coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer and wine. BIG BLUE HOUSE will entertain with their blend of voices, acoustic rhythm and lead guitar, stand-up bass, and occasional banjo performing a unique and eclectic variety of blues, rock, folk, jazz and reggae. 

If you cannot attend the reception the exhibit will be on display until March 31st. The Little Theatre is always a fun place to go for a bite to eat before or after a movie or just to listen to the music five nights a week. An added bonus - Big Blue House is playing there every Thursday from 7-9 during March! 

I hope you can make it. I look forward to seeing you!



In the Sunday newspaper (not the funny pages, either!)

February 12, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

This wonderful article was in today's Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. What a nice surprise to way up to!  Considering the really high quality of just about every image in the show I am more than pleased just to be included. If you have a chance, stop by Image City Photography Gallery before February 19th and feast your eyes on a wonderful exhibit.

Nice to be included!Nice to be included!Click link below to go to article:
Democrat and Chronicle article

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