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Bubbles came to live with us on June 5, 2015. She was 10 and had had a rather traumatic previous few years as Harvey's mom transitioned from this life to the next. Her health wasn't good and the vet recommended that we not get too attached. It was June 8, less than three days after coming into our lives and it was already too late for that advice. She had our hearts and took over the house within 5 minutes of arriving.

For five years and 7 months she depended on us, trusted us, and loved us unconditionally. She required a great deal of care, especially in the last two years but it was worth every smile, laugh, nose or chin lick and the way she hugged my arms with her front paws when I picked her up.
Bubbles left this world on Jan. 13, 2021.

Our house is quieter and emptier without her and her antics. Who would have guessed we could love this little pup so much, and that someone so small could be such a big presence in our lives?
These photos and videos bring us joy and peace and yes, a little sadness to know she is not with us anymore yet we know she looks beautiful in her angel wings and is flying high, eating peanut butter and cheese to her heart's content, scampering across heaven with that funny little footwork she used to do, and making all the other angels smile.

See you again one day my sweet girl. Until then, we miss you and will love you always.

Jan. 23, 2021
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."Dogs have a way...Missing you Peanut.curled up by my side of the bed.All our love always.