My life bird list - birds seen and positively identified

Place where I first saw the bird: FL - Florida; ME = Maine; CC = Cape Cod, GTNP = Grand Tetons National Park, HANA = High Acres Nature Area; CG = Corbetts Glen: SC = South Carolina; IB = Irondequoit Bay; SF = Sherwood Fields; SMNP= Smokey Mountains National Park; HP=Highland Park, Rochester, NY; MNWR = Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge; unmarked = multiple sightings;

  1. Warbling Vireo (HANA)
  2. Nashville Warbler (HP)
  3. Anhinga (SC)
  4. indigo bunting (HANA)
  5. red-winged blackbird 
  6. Eastern bluebird (h)
  7. western bluebirds (GTNP)
  8. mountain bluebird (GTNP)
  9. Northern cardinal 
  10. Black capped chickadee
  11. Carolina chickadee (SC)
  12. American coot (HANA)
  13. double crested cormorant (CC, SC)
  14. brown-headed cowbird (h)
  15. Sandhill Crane (HANA)
  16. mourning doves
  17. bufflehead (HANA)
  18. Gadwall (HANA)
  19. Long-tailed duck (IB)
  20. mallard duck (HANA)
  21. northern shoveler (HANA)
  22. Redhead (IB)
  23. ring-necked duck (HANA)
  24. wood duck (HANA)
  25. Bald Eagle
  26. great egret (HANA)
  27. snowy egret (HANA)
  28. goldfinch
  29. purple finch
  30. house finch (h)
  31. northern flicker (h)
  32. Least Flycatcher (HANA)
  33. willow flycatcher (HANA)
  34. blue-gray gnatcatcher (HANA)
  35. Boat-Tailed grackle (SC)
  36. common grackle 
  37. Horned Grebe (HANA)
  38. pied-billed grebe (HANA)
  39. rose-breasted grosbeak (h)
  40. Canada goose
  41. snow goose - white morph (HANA)
  42. snow goose - blue morph (HANA)
  43. Laughing Gull (SC)
  44. Ring-necked pheasant
  45. Sharp-shinned hawk (h)
  46. great blue heron (HANA)
  47. green heron (HANA)
  48. Little Blue Heron (SC)
  49. Tri-Colored Heron (SC)
  50. Yellow Crowned Night Heron (SC)
  51. ruby-throated hummingbird (h)
  52. blue jays
  53. dark eyed junco (h)
  54. golden crowned kinglet (CG)
  55. Ruby Crowned Kinglet (HANA)
  56. killdeer (HANA)
  57. belted kingfisher (HANA)
  58. black-billed magpie (GTNP)
  59. Eastern Meadowlark (Livingston Cty)
  60. hooded merganser (HANA)
  61. Mockingbird (h)    
  62. Common Nighthawk (near HANA)
  63. red breasted nuthatch (h)
  64. white breasted nuthatch (h)
  65. Baltimore oriole (HANA)
  66. osprey (GTNP)
  67. pine siskin (h)
  68. Raven (GTNP)
  69. Redstart (HANA)
  70. red poll (h)
  71. red-breasted merganser (IB)
  72. ring-billed gull (HANA)
  73. robin
  74. Brown Pelican (SC)
  75. white pelican (GTNP)
  76. Eastern Phoebe (HANA)
  77. red-necked phalarope (HANA)
  78. Sanderling (SC)
  79. greater scaup (HANA, IB)
  80. solitary sandpiper (HANA)
  81. Spotted Sandpiper
  82. Swallow-tailed Kite (SC)
  83. American tree sparrow
  84. Chipping Sparrow
  85. house sparrow 
  86. Savannah Sparrow (HANA)
  87. song sparrow (HANA)
  88. Swamp Sparrow (HANA)
  89. white throated sparrow (h)
  90. European Starling
  91. mountain tanager (GTNP)
  92. Blue-Winged Teal (SC)
  93. Green-winged Teal (HANA)
  94. Barn Swallow 
  95. rough winged swallow (HANA)
  96. tree swallow (HANA)
  97. Mute Swan (SC, IB)      
  98. tundra swans (HANA)
  99. white-winged scoter (IB)
  100. Wild Turkey (SMNP)
  101. white stork (Poland)
  102. brown thrasher (SF)
  103. Hermit Thrush (HANA)
  104. wood thrush (HANA)
  105. tufted titmouse 
  106. Veery (HANA)
  107. turkey vultures (HANA)
  108. Cape May Warbler (HANA)
  109. Chestnut-sided Warbler (HANA)
  110. Blackburnian Warbler (HANA)
  111. Black & White Warbler (HANA)
  112. Magnolia Warbler (h)
  113. Palm Warbler (HANA)
  114. Prothonotary warbler (SC)
  115. Yellow warbler (HANA)
  116. Yellow-rumped warbler (HANA)
  117. Yellow-Throated Warbler (SC)
  118. cedar waxwing (h)
  119. Willet (SC)
  120. hairy woodpecker (h)
  121. downy woodpecker  (h)
  122. pileated woodpecker (HANA)
  123. red-bellied woodpecker (h)
  124. Carolina Wren  (h)
  125. house wren (h)
  126. Northern Pintail duck (MNWR)
  127. Roseate Spoonbill (FL)
  128. White Ibis (FL)
  129. Reddish Egret (FL)
  130. Royal Tern (FL)
  131. Yellow Crowned Night Heron (FL)
  132. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (h)
  133. Widgeon (MNWR/HANA)
  134. Canvasback duck (MNWR)
  135. Common YellowThroat (HANA) 5/6/24