"At times our own light goes our and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." ~ Albert Schweitzer


Here are a few of my favorite photographers, artists, musicians, and creative friends plus books, articles, magazines, and websites that speak to the creative process. I hope you find inspiration as well.


Within the Frame:The Journey of Photographic Vision by David DuChemin

Visual Poetry by Chris Orwig. Very inspirational! 

Nature Photographer Magazine http:/​/​www.​naturephotographermag.​com/​ 

The Tao of Photography by Gross and Shapiro

The Zen of Creativity by John Daido Loori

The Zen of Seeing by Frederick Franck

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

Mastery by George Leonard

Photography and the Creative Life by Nancy Rotenberg



Harvey Possemato - guitarist, composer, great husband, and really creative guy! http:/​/​www.​harveyband.​com/​

Freeman Patterson - photographer www.freemanpatterson.com see his book Photo Impressionism and the Subjective Image

André Gallanthttp://www.andregallant.com

Eddie Solowayhttp://www.eddiesoloway.com

Guy Tal - an inspiring photographer and writer. GuyTal.com

Alison Shaw, photographer, teacher, Martha's Vineyard http:/​/​www.​alisonshaw.​com/​

Mark Bowie, photographer and workshop leader http://www.markbowie.com

Paula Laverty, photographer, http://www.paulalaverty.com

Catherine Flynn, artist, Springfield, ILL http:/​/​www.​ccoatesflynn.​com 

Deborah Bohren, Stamford CT, https://www.deborahloebbohren.com/

Barbara Kreutter, Alberta, Canada https://kreutter.zenfolio.com/

Richard Price, artist/painter http:/​/​www.​richardprice.​net/​

Richard Lang, ceramic artist http:/​/​www.​vasefinder.​com/​rslanggallery1.​html


Maine Media Workshop http:/​/​www.​mainemedia.​edu 

Adirondack Photography Workshop https://www.adkpi.org

Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY http://www.cooperstownart.com

State of the Art Gallery in Ithaca, NY http:/​/​soag.​org

Editions Printing - 510 State St. Rochester, NY  14608 - https://editionsprinting.com

The Frame Shop - Fairport, NY - fine framing by nice people at reasonable prices. www.theframeshopfairport.com

Flower City Arts Center, Monroe Ave. Rochester, NY - https://flowercityarts.org/